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la hong - flagshipstore opening

ketch´em bunnies.: la hong - flagshipstore opening

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la hong - flagshipstore opening

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la hong - flagshipstore opening

on tuesday, i attended the flagshipstore opening of viennese designer "la hong". some friends of mine were kind enough to take me there and i have to say it was quite the experience. there were lots and lots of people and it was really crowded at "stilwerk" in the second district of vienna, where the party took place. highlight of the evening was definitely mischa barton who attended the show as well - but it was obvious that she felt very uncomfortable with the masses of people and photographers around her. 
i have to admit that i really didn´t like la hong´s new line, which is inspired by the theme "rise like phoenix from the ashes". my friend and i only saw 3 pieces that we liked - but as always, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it´s certainly not my place to judge. it was simply too crowded there, so we all decided to go back to the bar of the intercontinental hotel (AMAZING chandelier over the bar) where we also started the evening and sip on yummy drinks in a more relaxed environment. 
because i was craving a good friend´s night out and didn´t want to stress myself with taking photos all the time, i decided to take the evening off from blogging and left my camera at home. but if you want to see some pics of the night, head over to mangoblüte´s blog, she has some really good impression pics of the night. but at least you can see here what i was wearing for the store opening:

these are the pics that we took during the evening (wanna see more? follow me also on instagram KETCHEMBUNNIES):

pants/jacket: zara
shoes: dune (similar here)
fur collar: vintage (similar here)
white blouse: h&m (similar here)
bag: louis vuitton


12 Kommentare:

Am/um 25. Oktober 2012 um 09:48 , Blogger Luxx Mint meinte...

Great satin bow blouse with the fur collar and that chandelier is stunning!

Luxx Mint

Am/um 25. Oktober 2012 um 11:43 , Blogger Unknown meinte...

ich mag die schuhe sehr!! :)


Am/um 25. Oktober 2012 um 15:03 , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

Ein sehr schöner Look!
Die Schuhe sind der Wahnsinn!

Am/um 25. Oktober 2012 um 16:57 , Anonymous Marianne meinte...

tolles outfit! ich liebe die schuhe ;)

Am/um 26. Oktober 2012 um 12:03 , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

wunderschönes outfit ! die bluse ist toll ! :)

Am/um 26. Oktober 2012 um 20:42 , Blogger Unknown meinte...

Ich mag dein Outfit, an sich ein sehr schöner Blog! :)
Liebste Grüße.

Am/um 26. Oktober 2012 um 20:53 , Blogger Ananas meinte...

Schönes Outfit :)

Das Felldingsi ist nicht mein Fall, dafür die Schuhe aber umso mehr! ;)

Am/um 27. Oktober 2012 um 11:34 , Blogger isabell meinte...

Wow schöne Sachen :)
Toller Blog :)
Schau doch auch mal bei mir rein und villt. wirst du meine neue Leserin

LG Isabell <3

Am/um 30. Oktober 2012 um 21:28 , Anonymous Laura meinte...

Schöner Look,
die Uhr gefällt mir besonders gut :)

Weiter so, dein Blog hat Suchtpotential !

LG, Laura von

Am/um 31. Oktober 2012 um 21:50 , Blogger Law Moda meinte...

beautiful. love the contrast between the olive, army-style pants and the luxe fur collar.

Am/um 1. November 2012 um 03:36 , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I love your fur collar, and also thinking about buying one this season.

'The Wind of Inspiration' blog

Am/um 8. November 2012 um 23:21 , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I love your outfit!! :))
Love, Leonie xx


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